Collierville High School
Collierville High School is constantly striving to implement more opportunities for STEM to influence students. Whether this is accomplished through encouraging students to be a member of TSA, one of the robotics teams, or signing up for one of the four STEM classes, Collierville High School does not fail to express the importantance of STEM.
Not only does Collierville High School attempt to include any who are interested in STEM, but its students thrive wherever they go. With the tools given to them by the school, they are able to succeed in places such as TSA. Countless of Collierville High attendees that take part in the school's TSA chapter have learned to excel no matter the obstacle, winning awards everywhere they go.
Achieving as an entire school, Collierville High encourages the spread of STEM education. Sharing the success of its students, Collierville High promotes the importance of all things STEM to the middle and elementary schools in the town. Due to this, many of these schools have begun to implement their own STEM programs and incoming students from these schools are eager to join orginizations such as TSA. Through its impact on the area, more students are inspired to pursue STEM.